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Why Exercise

Why Exercise

C’mon let’s get moving!

We all have used the same old excuses for not exercising — “Don’t Have Enough Time.” “I Never See Any Results.” “Too tired.” “Gyms are too expensive.” Humm … . I’m not believing it and it ain’t gonna fly here!

Let me introduce myself. I am now that annoying voice, in the form of a blog, who will fill your mind with information about exercise. My intentions are pure. I hope to motivate, educate, and quite possibly irritate you all to a life of daily exercise. In fact, I am hereby daring you all to “THE EXERCISE CHALLENGE.” The exercise challenge is simple — Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. Yes, I’m talking to you! Rise from your BarcaLounger and shake your tail feathers.

I knew you would, so let me answer your cra question — “Why should I exercise every day?” I’m so very glad that you finally asked — What are the benefits of regular exercise?” Well my inquisitive readers, be aware and humorously warned of the hard core facts that regular exercise will improve your physical health AND your mental health.

As to your physical health, it is true that exercise controls weight. For all my Mensa readers seeking a more exacting response —- Exercise burns calories. With regular exercise those tight jeans will fit comfortably again! Next, exercise fights health conditions and diseases. Exercise helps prevent, or manage, the following: cholesterol levels; high blood pressure; diabetes; many types of cancer; improves cognitive function; and arthritis, just to name a few. Let’s talk exercise and the benefits of exercise on mental health.

In today’s world very few would dis an emotional lift or a way to blow off some steam after a stressful day. Well … physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that leave you more relaxed and less anxious. I’m not saying that annoying person at work will not still be annoying, but with regular exercise you may be able to smile, without steam coming out of every pore on your body, after a talk with “her” or “him”. Thank You to exercise!

I hope my words encouraging regular physical exercise have been helpful, or at the very least entertaining. Let’s get moving!
Shopping with an established used fitness gym equipment provider will give you as a buyer some kind of safety in knowing that your money will not be spent badly in additional to saving you and your company costly dollars on shipping charges.

When buying used fitness equipment online, set a realistic budget and then the gym equipment provider and wholesaler will have a better understanding how to satisfy your used gym equipment needs while remaining within budget.

Contact Us Today! For a Free Fitness Equipment Consultation

Kingsley Enterprises, LLC. C/O Used Fitness Sales
235 East Main St.
Thomaston, CT 06787
Phone: 866.497.0494
Office: 860.200.8542
Email: in**@us**************.com

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