


We have all said, or at least thought; “I want a home gym.” Actually, in the last many months (seems like eons …) of life under the Covid-19 virus, the statement has become: “I need a home gym.”

In this politically charged year full of too many fake promises, it is finally time to get serious about it. A home gym has a lot, I mean oodles, of benefits over paying for a gym membership. I think everyone should try to invest some money into a home gym; here’s why.

Time, Convenience, Freedom. The pandemic has forced us all to reassess how we have, and will, spend our precious time. Think about all the time you spend getting ready for the gym, and all the time waiting for the treadmill. I know, it’s worth the wait as exercise is great for the body and mind, but be real — quite a bit of your precious time can be wasted just getting to and from the gym.

In addition to saving time, a home gym is convenient. If you want to have one workout a day, if you want to have 7-8 short workouts a day, or you just want to work out for 30 minutes, you can do that because your gym is right there in your own house. There is no one around telling you what you can and cannot do.

Cheaper in the Long Run. Believe it or not, getting your own home gym is cheaper then membership at a gym! A year membership at the gym costs anywhere from $300 to $600, depending on the gym. That’s just a one year membership! Having your own home gym will pay for itself after one year.

More Likely to Commit, and Stick, to Exercising. Excuses to skip your workout are invalid with a home gym. Keep it real and true! Your own home gym gives you all kinds of opportunities to work out and ultimately puts 100% of the responsibility of getting fit and staying fit in your hands. Plus, you spent your hard earned money to buy that gym equipment in your home. Stop walking by and staring at your home gym equipment and use it!

Don’t Feel Self-Conscious. Gym members often feel that they are being judged, and feel uneasy because of their current level of fitness. Of course, these worries are often in the head because the vast majority of people who go to the gym do not care what you do with your time at the gym. But, with a home gym, don’t even worry about it.

Start your home gym today. Check out to buy quality used gym equipment at severely discounted prices. And, they have financing options through PayPal and are open to ship equipment now.

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