Rope workouts. For some exercisers their fitness arsenal ends with metal dumbbells, barbells, and weight plates — and, if they’re feeling really adventurous, a kettlebell or two to add some spice and mix things up. This approach might be due to limited access to space, gear, or knowledge. But if you’re able to expand your home gym workout horizons to work with other types of implements, you’ll be the better for it. Because with the 2022 year, we all deserve new improvements, right?
Well … One of the most effective pieces of gear you can use to diversify your training is the battle rope, a simple tool that will help you to torch fat and bring your whole body into the workout.
Battle ropes, or sometimes called battling ropes, take a normal everyday item and max out its toughness and durability. Believe me, you definitely won’t get the same effect if you just take any old piece of twine and swing it around. Most Battle Ropes are 30-50 feet long and between 1-2 inches thick. Some are treated, others incased in a shell to protect from fraying. But they’re all used in the same basic manner: You’ll swing, slam, and shake the ropes to ramp up your heart rate, challenge your muscles, and burn fat. “The key to their effectiveness is that they work each arm independently, eliminating strength imbalances as they sculpt your muscle,” said John Brookfield, creator of the original battling-ropes system.
The Benefits Of Battle Rope Workouts
One of the best things about battle ropes workouts is that you won’t be limited to training one muscle group at a time. Battle rope workout sessions are designed to be high-effort, with your whole body engaged. You’ll definitely work both arms, along with your back, chest, legs, and core, depending on your routine. Adding ropes to your routine also provides a great cardio workout without the possible monotony that comes with other aerobically-focused activities. You’ll sweat bullets while you swing, no matter what you’re training to do. You can train for power by slamming the ropes on the ground, too. The exercise possibilities with Battle Ropes are endless.
Now that we are all convinced regarding the awesomeness of home gym workouts and using Battle Ropes, check out Used Fitness Sales online at and 866-497-0494. Used Fitness Sales offers the Battle Rope ST, Battle Rope ST System and the TAC Battle Rope. With their 40,000 square foot fitness inventory warehouse in Thomaston, CT, Used Fitness Sales has hundreds of modalities and new fitness equipment options available for everyone —
And remember … When you want to pack on lean mass, pick up a rugged Battle Rope. Get your Battle Rope today at Used Fitness Sales and 866-497-0494.